Martin Luther King

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, January 15, 2024.

It’s sunny and cold outside. The dogs are pining for a walk. At least I think they are; I’m not sure.

I’m experimenting with Apple Journal in the hope that I can get motivated to write again. This is a different blogging/journaling experience than what I’ve used in the past. I’m going to try it out and see how it works for me. I also have Jetpack, the WordPress blogging extension, loaded on both my phone and my iPad. It’s a decent environment but I found I was getting too many notifications from it. I didn’t like that. Maybe this will be different.

I started wearing hearing aids at the end of November – about 6 weeks ago. I’m a little overwhelmed still, but my ability to hear is much better than it was. Sometimes I have to simply turn them off because there’s so much more sound. At some point I’m sure I won’t even know they’re in my ears, but that’s not happening now.

Maybe this isn’t a bad way to write. There are other tools on this journal app, including voice transcription. We’ll see how that works at some point. It’s only taken me less than a year to get to this again; maybe I can be more consistent. Let’s hope so. And I will try to continue to copy them over on to here as I move forward.

Martin Luther King